Friday, January 4, 2013

bila aku dah dewasa...

Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. 

assalamualaikum and hello there,

hari ni umur aku genap 24 tahun. nothing special if you ask me. i'm just the same old girl. just a bit wiser, a bit smarter. been through a lot of pain and heart break. lie a lot and love many too...

makin aku dewasa makin sesak minda dengan pemikiran dunia.
bila aku bercerita aku mula dengan ' nnti bila aku dh besar...'
terasa macam baru umur 15 plak!

untuk yang ingat and bersusah payah untuk call, sms, post and tweet; thanks! love you more next year!
untuk yang diingati di awal usia ini: you guys are always in my heart...
my wish? i just wanna be happy...

You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. 
Bob Hope 

m00d meter