Saturday, March 30, 2013

rindu terlerai...

assalamualaikum and hello there..

typing this entry dengan hati berbunga...

jumpa adam dekat kl sentral... yuhooo... happy giler kot!! hahahaha...
ok fine. bila aku bagi tahu semua orang everybody was like "aqil, adam je pon" 

hello, just so you know i miss him ok! and for me, he's a good guy. enough said!

nota-kaki-gajah: korang jeleskan sebenarnya.. ngaku je la korang jeles!!! hahahah...

impian aku nk jumpa ko before aku abis study dah terlaksana. stay the same. i may not understand what you did n why u did it but i'll always support you...

Monday, March 18, 2013

sorry seems to be the hardest word.

life becomes easier when you learn to accept the apology you will never got.... (robert brault)

well i've forgive you.but when u did what u did, i was heartbroken. 

removing people from ur fb @ twitter @ instagram @ ym is co childish.. i rather delete my account!

when u r online, i just hope u send me a simple message asking why we be like we r now. but that's just me. well, it's always me.

starngers know i wont we mad for a long time why wouldn't u? for me it's not that u didnt know. u rather look beyond it. for that; i'm sorry. 

p/s: yup this 1 is really dedicated to you!

doa & impian

teringat conversation dgn mama last week,

 tiba2 mama tanya
'angah dh besar nak jadi ape?'
aku macam  '. . .'  what??
'ha la, biar doa mama dengan impian angah selari'
'ma angah dah 24 kot! baru nak tanye'
'heheheh.. ma ingt angah belum 20'
aku hampa...

ok, aku blh terima most people say i'm not mature. but from my own mum. like seriously!!!

ma, insyallah sepanjang hidup yang singkat nie angah akan tunaikan hasrat mama. biar payah biar pon apa yang mama nak bukan yang angah nak. sebab sebahagian besar kebahagian angah terbuat dari doa mama. then i just realize. no matter how much i've grew up, i'm still my mum little girl. always was, always is, always will be....

m00d meter